Daily Prompt: Panoply

via Daily Prompt: Panoply

I love my kids. They are an amazing group of individuals. Each one unique with his or her own interests, likes and inclinations. How they got to have as much character as they possess I will never know. I guess I have to give their mother the credit.

Their mother and I did not get along well. We were a case of opposites attracting. She was a wild child and I am more of a wallflower. She got frustrated with my lack of activity. Where she would want to go off-roading, I would prefer to read a book. While I was into sports, she would prefer going to a barbecue. After seven years of struggling, we finally decided to call it quits. That was the toughest time of my life.

Breaking up is never easy. Even when the situation is less than ideal, there are hurt feelings and the realization that a dream or hope is not going to be attained. On top of that put in the children and their needs and the household possessions and you have the formula for an ugly break-up. But by God’s grace, despite these challenges the children are doing great. They are a remarkable panoply.

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